Others that feel the same way 
Thank you, Canada! Merci, Canada! For you generosity, for caring for me and loving me...
Vietnamese immigrant, Hung Vu says "Thank you, Merci Canada" in a song
After I came to Canada, I thought I was one of the luckiest people ever.
Refugees thankful for their new country by Agnieszka Krawczynski, The B.C. Catholic
As a child, my parents constantly reminded me of the gift we were given by the Canadian government and how we shouldn't squander the opportunity afforded us
Vietnamese boat people of more than 3 decades ago now thriving, proud Canadians by Judy Trinh, CBC News
When I came to Canada, this is my time to do what I wish for...
Giving thanks for Canada: refugees on what this holiday (Thanksgiving) means to them by Michael Robinson, The Star